Privacy Policy


The purpose of this policy is to maintain the privacy of and protect the personal information of employees, contractors, vendors, interns, associates, donors, sponsors, beneficiaries and partners of Tara Devi Foundation and ensure compliance with laws and regulations applicable to Tara Devi Foundation.

What is this policy?

This document sets out the details of Tara Devi Foundation Privacy Policy, in relation to information collected about you on this website (, as well as through other means including in person, by post, by telephone, by emails and social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram). We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. This policy explains when, how, and why we collect personal information about people who visit our website, take part in our projects, reserve or attend our events or performances, and donate money to us. how we keep this information secure, and the conditions under which we may share it with others.

Information Gathering

  • Tara Devi Foundation collects information from the users in a number of ways, for example when
    the user:

    1. Makes a donation

    2.  Signs up for a campaign

    3. Signs up to stay updated

  • Tara Devi Foundation does not collect or record the user’s personal information unless he/she chooses to provide it.

Use of Personal Information

  • General browsing of Tara Devi Foundation website is anonymous and it does not register the user’s personal information except some general information such as the time, date and place of visits and the name of the internet service provider. This data is used only for statistics and diagnosis.

  • By signing up for various forms on websites such as pledge form, get a plant form, etc, the user explicitly authorizes us to collect information.

  • Tara Devi Foundation keeps the user information strictly confidential and this information is secured safely. All relevant information collected through Tara Devi Foundation website is handled and used by internal and/or authorized officials only. It is never shared with any external agencies or third party individuals.

  • Tara Devi Foundation uses the information given to it in the following ways:

    1. ​To keep an accurate record of all the donations received

    2. To update users about its happenings and developments through bulletins and newsletters, with an option of not to subscribe for the same

    3. To make sure the user is receiving the most appropriate and relevant information

    4. To find out more about the people who are visiting the Tara Devi Foundation Website, donating, or joining its campaigns

Payment Gatway

  • Tara Devi Foundation uses well-recognised and proven technology for payments. Payment
    information is transferred by the use of an SSL connection which offers the highest degree of
    security that the donor’s browser is able to support.

  • Tara Devi Foundation uses razorpay dashboard to collect the donation. Whenever the user clicks on the donation button we redirect the donor to the razorpay domain. Razorpay uses the highest assurance SSL certificate on its website which is the EV SSL (Extended Validity SSL) certificate.

  • Tara Devi Foundation is not responsible for anything in regards to payment or payment information because we do not have control over that but, we are always ready to help you out in such cases.

Changes to Privacy Policy

  • As and when the need arises, Tara Devi Foundation may alter its privacy policy in accordance with the latest technology and trends. It will provide you with timely notice of these changes. The users may reach out to Tara Devi Foundation if they have any queries about any changes made to its practices.

  • If you have any questions at all about Tara Devi Foundation’s privacy policy, please write to us

Refund and Cancellation Policy

Tara Devi Foundation takes the utmost care to process donations as per the instructions
given by our donors, online and offline. However, in case of an unlikely
event of an erroneous donation or if the donor would like to cancel his
donation, Tara Devi Foundation will respond to the donor within 8 working days of
receiving a valid request for refund from the donor. The timely refund of
the donation will depend upon the type of credit card/banking
instrument used during the transaction. The donor will have to send
Tara Devi Foundation a written request for a refund within 3 days of making the
donation to Tara Devi Foundation official address or
email along with-

  1. Proof of the deduction of the donation amount.

  2. In cases where the donation receipt has already been issued to the
    donor, the donor will have to return the original receipt to us at our
    office addresses.

  3. International donations will need minimum 15 days for the refund